BUYME (2023)

Who and what gets the right to claim humanity?

It is factual that humans all occupy and navigate their respective cities, but not all humans share the same experiences of navigating their cities.

Please question the role of female bodies in public spaces and the subjugation of these bodies to social hierarchy.

Total Running Time: 8:25

Media: Video performance


HOW IT FEELS (2022) is a visual presentation of a body dysmorphic mind in the works. The body contorts – presenting itself disconnected from the mind – as its own entity. The mind does not fully comprehend the reality of body image – and is hyper-conscious of how they appear to the outside world. Body dysmorphic feels are kept inside, usually, until the person affected implodes – there is a catharsis in letting go of the feeling – this is how it feels to process the indigestible.

Total Running Time: 1:01

Media: video performance


HOLD (2022) is a space that carries the complexity of childhood trauma, coping mechanisms, and healing through reframing traumatic associations through artistic exploration. HOLD involves surrealist elements to ground the obscurity of childhood trauma. HOLD presents in a dreamscape setting complete with participants and performer. HOLD explores the complicated relationship between childhood trauma and the brain’s attempt to cope in any way possible.

Total Running Time: 2:35

Media: video performance


COG DIS (2021) exhibits the psychological impairments brought on by having comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders: OCD and ADHD. ADHD overloads the senses – too many things going on at once – “structured chaos” as my split focus on tasks I should complete but I always feel the need to complete everything at once. It feels like I am my biggest setback. I work to make an immersive performance to recreate what ADHD “feels like” – through immersive soundscaping.  Imagine a computer running on slow processing speed and attempting to run 200 programs at once. That is what ADHD feels like. The world moves at a faster speed than I can process.

The audio moves from minor disturbances to a magnification of distorted thinking patterns. The audio switching between left to right, always demands the attention of the participant by layering new thoughts and feelings.  COG DIS centers an MRI scan of the artist’s brain in proximity to fleeting appearances of the artist’s body. Cognitive distortions feel like a fight with physiology – it feels unnatural to disrupt cognitive distortions in motion – they feel cyclical and familiar.

Total Running Time: 1:20 minutes

Media: video performance


PAINT. (2017) Written and performed by Tiffany Zorrilla as a part of Perfect City's You're Next: two weeks of programming at Abrons, in their main gallery, and the Experimental Theater. The programming includes walking tours, live music, mapping exercises, and talks with activists/artists at a roundtable discussion.

Paint. is a performance narrative piece depicting this history of colonization on Dominican womxn's bodies. The institutionalized racism that exists in presenting Euro-centricity as "norm" against cultural "othering" or "otherness" / exoticization of BIPOC. White skin equates to privilege in Dominican culture and perpetuates the denial of blackness/ anti-black attitudes. It is a narrative that impacts/are central to Dominican identity. A conversation many chose to not acknowledge and see. It is the erasure of our struggles, denial of ourselves. 
Total Running Time: 5:26 min  
Media: Media: video live performance